These are the peculiarities that make Casa Julia extra virgin olive oil unique.
Casa Julia is located in a small valley south of Roccatederighi in the locality of ‘Strinati’ inserted in an area exclusively dedicated to olive growing and winemaking. Sunny but often windy, the valley slopes quickly towards the plain up to the sea with a view of the island of Giglio.
The soil is stony but fertile with the presence of a vast variety of herbs, including aromatic ones, that cover the olive grove with flowers. The grass is left to develop, guaranteeing plant and animal biodiversity, favoring pollinators that find every type of flower available for a long time. In late spring, the grass is chopped together with the remains of the pruning and left on the ground. This practice reduces the washing away of nutrients in the event of heavy rains, insulates the soil from the heat and helps retain water.
There are many enemies of the olive tree: bacteria, fungi, parasites. Instead of intervening on each individual attack with pesticides or heavy metals such as copper, we prefer to carry out interventions with natural and harmless products that strengthen the plant and help it fight the attacks. Find out more
There are three varieties present in the Casa Julia olive grove: Leccino, Moraiolo and Correggiolo. All three contribute in a different and precious way with their specificities to the final result. They all have the typical characteristics of Tuscan oil: bitter, spicy and fruity.
In addition to these they also bring aftertastes of fresh almond and artichoke.