We tell you how we produce our extra virgin olive oil.

Harvested early by mid-October, Casa Julia olives produce an extra virgin olive oil with a characteristic bitter and spicy scent, an indication of a young oil rich in antioxidants (read: How good is EVO oil? and “It's bitter and stings! I don't like it.”)

Lavoriamo tutto l’anno per produrre un olio buono con le migliori caratteristiche chimiche e organolettiche (leggi: CasaJulia Le Nostre Analisi, How to read the chemical analysis of EVO oil and How to read the organoleptic analysis of EVO oil (Panel Test))

After milling in the mill (we use Frantoio Franci one of the best in the area), the oil is stored in stainless steel drums at a temperature of 15-18 degrees to ensure its best conservation.

Subsequently, filtration is carried out (this operation prevents the deposited particles, which tend to oxidize over time, from modifying the original qualities of the oil, guaranteeing a longer shelf life without loss of quality (read: How to preserve olive oil) and bottling.

Contact us or come visit us to taste it!